Omnichannel Ad Specs Guide

Intergrade your message seamlessly into premium content with native ads.
Take advantage of our unique features and formats.

Native Stream
320x480 Mobile Interscroller
300x600 Half Page
728x90 Leaderboard
160x600 Skyscraper
300x50 Mobile Banner
320x50 Mobile Banner
300x250 Medium Rectangle (Mobile)
300x250 Medium Rectangle (Desktop)
970x250 billboard
Pre-roll Skippable
Pre-Roll Mobile
Pre-Roll Desktop
Pre-Roll Bumper
Connected TV (CTV)
Native Stream
Native Stream


Ad components File type Dimensions Max file size
Ad Title (Headline) Text Up to 50 characters (includes spaces)
Ad Description Text Up to 150 characters (includes spaces)
Advertiser Name Text Up to 35 characters (includes spaces)
Click-Through/Landing Page URL Text Up to 2048 characters (includes spaces)
Display URL (e.g. Text Up to 35 characters (includes spaces)
Creative/Large Image JPG or PNG 1200 x 627 (1.91:1 aspect ratio) 2 MB
Mobile Web/Basic Image JPG or PNG 627 x 627 (1:1 aspect ratio) 2 MB
Mobile Image/Advertiser Logo (Logo Recommended)* JPG or PNG 200 x 200 (1:1 aspect ratio) 2 MB
Call-to-Action Text Default is "Learn More" - see Technical Capabilities section for more options