for Publishers
Delivering hundreds of millions
of ads each day to more than
500K active mobile apps
Helping publishers turn their apps into successful businesses.
Download’s self-service monetization SDK
Integrate our solution using AdMob, Applovin, Unity, or LevelPlay.
Unlock programmatic real-time header bidding using our integration with Amazon TAM
Get premium demand with our integration with Amazon UAM
Why choose
Quick Integration
Choose our lightweight plug-and-play SDK, or integrate with industry-leading platforms AppLovin, IronSource, and AdMob. We can also integrate our unique demand through header bidding solutions, such as Amazon TAM and Nimbus.
Enhanced Ad Experience
Al based creative allocation for an outstanding performance
Global Premium Demand
Premium demand from across the globe
Unique Placements
Boost eCPMs with’s unique placements like splash, and return
Dedicated account management
Work with real people to achieve your KPIs