Users Who are Interested in Language Learning
in Luxembourg
Those interested in learning a language might be planning a trip or simply doing it for the love of learning and language. In Luxembourg, Samsung Galaxy A51 is the top choice for Users Who are Interested in Language Learning. Discover more data about Users Who are Interested in Language Learning in the charts below.
INSIGHTS ON Users Who are Interested in Language Learning in Luxembourg
55 years and above 4.6%
45-54 years 1.6%
35-44 years 6.3%
25-34 years 53.5%
18-24 years 33.9%
Male (74.7%)
Female (25.3%)
Top devices
01 Samsung Galaxy A51
02 Samsung Galaxy S10
Leading carriers
01 Tango
02 Post
03 Orange
Updated: 11-2024