Users Who are Interested in Childhood Education
in Israel
Users who show an interest in childhood education may be doing research for their own children or looking at childhood education for work-related purposes. In Israel, 53.1% of Users Who are Interested in Childhood Education are in the 18-24 age group. Explore more characteristics of these users in the charts below.
INSIGHTS ON Users Who are Interested in Childhood Education in Israel
55 years and above 10.1%
45-54 years 2.2%
35-44 years 5.3%
25-34 years 29.2%
18-24 years 53.1%
Male (59.5%)
Female (40.5%)
Top devices
01 Samsung Galaxy A51
02 Samsung Galaxy A71
03 Samsung Galaxy A12
Leading carriers
01 Pelephone
02 Partner
03 Cellcom
Updated: 11-2024