Trivago Users
in Santiago
Trivago users like booking trips online and using the site to compare prices and find the best deals. Trivago Users in Santiago range in age with 69.1% of them falling into the 25-34 age group. Find out more about the characteristics of this group below.
INSIGHTS ON Trivago Users in Santiago
55 years and above 0.9%
45-54 years 1.9%
35-44 years 4.3%
25-34 years 69.1%
18-24 years 23.8%
Male (84.5%)
Female (15.5%)
Top devices
01 HuaWei HUAWEI P30 lite
02 HuaWei Y9 Prime 2019
05 Samsung Galaxy A21s
Leading carriers
01 Entel
02 WOM
03 Movistar
Updated: 11-2024